Scott Wrenn
Scott Wrenn


CrossFit level 1 certification


Scott Wrenn

Husband to a beautiful God-fearing wife since 2005. Father to 3 daughters Nora, Lucy, and Hazel. Police officer since 2011 and level 1 CrossFit coach since 2020.

CrossFit means more to me than just a fitness journey. It’s a way of harnessing the best out of life by challenging yourself and others around you. It will not only change your body, but it will change your mindset. To be truly healthy and fit both physically and mentally requires putting yourself through difficult, but achievable things. We do hard things for an hour a day, a few times a week, so the challenges we face in life don’t seem so hard.

Build a relationship with Jesus for your soul, and get a membership at CrossFit Kros for your health.

My passion for coaching comes from a desire to see others grow in their understanding of what it means to be fit. I enjoy meeting people where they are in their fitness journey and helping them improve by either modifying a workout or pushing them to new heights.